Archive for Etymology

Be Nice

Posted in Present with tags , , , , on October 25, 2010 by Shea Atkin


–adjective, nic·er, nic·est. 

1. pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.
2 amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers.–

If any criticism is valid, it might be that the word is used too often and has become a cliché lacking the qualities of precision and intensity that are embodied in many of its synonyms. (–

OK, so I woke up this morning and the first thing that came to my head was “Be Nice”.

Of course I had to research the etymology of the word to make sure that I could do exactly what those two little words meant.

If you know me well, you know that I like to make things very complicated for myself.

I don’t know why I do it, I just always have.  It makes more sense if I research every single possible area of an issue before making a decision.

Other times, I will be completely spontaneous in a matter and jump too quickly.

And I digress….

Anyhow, I do believe that the overuse of certain words have desensitized us to the deeper meaning.

As in the case of the word “nice”.

So many times (mostly with my loved ones), I will be harsh and unforgiving–

but with strangers, I can fake that happy smile for as long as needed.

I suppose the latter is easier– but the former in incredibly important!

How can I expect my closest people to respond with kindness to me if I am not kind/nice to them?

As heard a few days ago:  “If I am not the problem–then there is no solution”.

This particularly pertains to me.

The troubles that I face on a daily basis are most of the time, symptomatic.

When it all boils down to it–I perpetuate what I decide to put out there, good or bad.

In conclusion, if I’m wanting somebody to treat me a certain way–

I need to check myself before bringing it up.

Most of the time, it’s myself that needs the changing.